Uncategorized Nov 08, 2023

There's no denying that more and more people are experiencing reactions to certain foods these days, and it's not just kids. Food intolerances are a real thing, and in fact Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) is now recogonised as a medical condition.

Food intolerances aren't a full-blown allergy, but rather a different immune response that presents with different symptoms depending on the person. You see, we all have our own "tolerance level" when it comes to how much of a certain food our body/digestion can handle without showing any symptoms. Once we reach the threshold - symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, skin issues and autoimmune conditions can appear just to name a few!  💩

Gluten, Casein and Lactose from dairy, Histamine-rich foods and FODMAPS are the most common culprits. Identifying the guilty suspects will depend on the symptoms you are presenting with, and a thorough look at your food intake. There is also food sensitivity blood testing we can do if necessary.

3 of the main reasons we tend to react to foods is:

1. Stress - as when we're stressed, our digestion doesn't work properly. We then don't have the digestive enzymes available to break down these proteins or sugars correctly. 

2. The impact of antibiotics stripping the 'good bacteria' from our gut which are needed for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients

3. Nutrient deficiencies such as Zinc, Vitamin D, Glutamine, B Vitamins, Omega 3's and Fibre just to name a few.

The good news is, there's plenty you can do to manage your food intolerances.

I love helping people get in control of and understand their gut health.

By reducing the load of your trigger foods, correcting nutrient deficiencies, and managing your stress.....your digestion will love you for it! 🙌🏻

Here's to good poos! lol  🥂


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