Uncategorized Nov 08, 2023

I don't know about you, but I am not a very 'structured' person and tend to live more 'in the moment'. I generally don't do things because someone says 'I have to' or 'I should' (maybe thats just the rebel in me!). I do like to do things when I feel inspired. I guess thats why I called my business 'Inspired Natural Medicine', because I want to inspire you to take control of your health. 

Throughout my now 20 years of being in healthcare I have learnt SO MUCH about what optimal health really looks like, and SO much about myself along the way! It's safe to say I am definitely far from perfect lol (as we all are!), and I think it's super important to acknowledge that in relation to health. We do need to give ourselves permission to break the rules at times! 

From my experience, many people are overwhelmed when it comes to what 'healthy' is now. There is SO MUCH conflicting information out there, whether it be on social media, the news or the new fad super food your friend has convinced you to try!

As a result, it seems common sense has gone out the window.

Like anything that has longevity, the foundations NEED TO BE SOLID.

Just like the soil quality needs to be ideal for a plant to grow optimally (I love this analogy, as our health is exactly the same!).

Soooo, I thought I'd drop into your inbox today and remind you to get the basics right first. 

These three are a great place to start:

NUTRITION - understand the MACROS and get them in proper ratios for your lifestyle (I can help you with this if you're not sure here).

EXERCISE - be consistent and choose exercise that is right for you and that you enjoy.

SLEEP - is like putting your body on charge. Healing and repair happens here, and most people need between 7-9hrs.

Without these 3 being 'solid' - by which I mean consistent to what is right FOR YOU. Well... the rest is only going to fall very short.

....and.... don't forget to break the rules from time to time!!!  If we get to obsessed with getting 'it right', we can cause more stress and give up anyway.

I hope you are being kind to yourself, and taking care of this amazing body we have been given.


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